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Why smart gamification ?

Pourquoi la smart gamification?

Game-based learning

Smart gamification Smart gamification or advanced gamification is a simplified form of simulation of our society!

  • rules as in the real society
  • objectives to be reached
  • challenges that must be addressed

These 3 principles make it possible to create a situation close to reality, this adventure makes users grow in the understanding of a knowledge.

By scenario, users are forced to make choices, sort information or create new solutions. We met ainsi le cerveau dans une activité supérieure à une simple écoute, comme dans les séminaires ou les formations classiques.

Participants must therefore be placed in an environment that facilitates reflection and sharing with the group.

A Harvard study showed that students who took interactive courses outperformed the exams compared to so-called classical courses. It confirms the popular saying: “we retain 20% of what we read, hear and 80% of what we do”

Gamification has several rules to work efficiently:

  • Alignment of objectives (training and communication objectives) with the challenges within the game: it maintains a high interest and strengthen users' engagement up to the point where they finally meet their objectives.
  • Challenges : ils permettent de simuler les difficultés et garantissent l’intérêt du jeu. En gérant correctement le niveau de difficulté, ils permettent au joueur d’inventer des solutions de contourner des problèmes et de trouver des solutions.
  • Feedback : à chaque instant, et tout au long du jeu, l’utilisateur doit connaître son état d’avancement, le niveau de difficulté, l’atteinte de la prochaine étape, et obtenir des récompenses en franchissant ces étapes. Les récompenses doivent être appropriées aux objectifs et éviter l’écueil de la contre-productivité : elle doit être une récompense du chemin accompli et non devenir un objectif en soi. Plus les récompenses sont intrinsèques à l’utilisateur, plus elles sont efficaces dans la motivation de l’utilisateur.
  • Game rules : each game can be played alone, in groups, by teams… depending on the rules of the game. The rules of the game are an important element because they define the “law” of the game, and guarantee fairness between each player in the event of a competition.
  • Repetition : le pire ennemi de la gamification est la monotonie. Le jeu doit par le graphisme, les règles du jeu, le type de mécanique, renouveler l’intérêt de l’utilisateur, l’inciter à aller jusqu’au bout de l’aventure, pour s’assurer de la complétude et l’atteinte des objectifs.

Gamification is suitable to everyone, in fact according to the work Roger Caillois, every human on earth is sensitive to one of these game principles!

  • Coopération
  • Individual challenge
  • Chance
  • Challenge and risks
  • Competition
  • Role plays (team spirit)

This categorization sheds light on systematic battle-type solution approaches that cannot satisfy all users in terms of motivation or effective memorization.

For Work and Play, and in every aspects of today's organisations, gamification will become as natural an approach as classic teaching methods: that’s why Work and Play's all-in-one platform is the market most innovative game-based learning solution.


Game-based learning and video ?

Gamification et vidéo ?

Do you want to teach your employees safer work practices? How to change your employees' habits?  What about Gamification and video?

Prenons l’exemple de la santé sécurité.

Reducing safety risks related to the human factor through prescription alone is not enough.

Les réactions spontanées des uns et des autres face à une situation inédite, l’habitude, la mauvaise transmission de l’information, la mauvaise connaissance des enjeux peuvent parfois provoquer des accidents extrêmement graves : ces accidents ne sont pas une fatalité et il est possible de les éviter !

Combining the concepts of Game-based learning and video vidéo For example, one can create strong emotions and lasting memories or inscribe the notion of danger permanently in every mind.

How do you do this?

Nothing is more frightening than watching a film that leads fatally to an accident.

But what a relief to be able to go back in time and change the steps and actions that will change the course of history!

To be more specific...

  1. Choose your topic to build a conditional scenario with the help of business experts
  2. Shoot your film with actors from the field
  3. Montez votre mini film avec le Studio de Work & Play
  4. Mettez à le disposition sur la LMS ou en téléchargement web

Making make full use of Game-based learning why that choice ?

As with all games, we had an initial situation, a challenge and obstacles to overcome.

Comme dans tout jeu, ce sont les actions des participants qui déterminent l’issue de la partie.

Et c’est là le point le plus important, durant le film, les collaborateurs ne sont pas passifs, ils agissent et de leurs décisions dépend l’issue de la partie.

To date, this tool remains one of the very best tools for training in la santé sécurité

Give it a try! Your employees will never do things the same way again. They will not only be more vigilant for themselves but also for their colleagues because they will have better knowledge of risks and issues.

You protect your employees and restore serenity within your teams thanks to internal communication through game-based learning.

Security is all about shared awareness! Request a demo!
