Work and Play

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Raising awareness about disability at work

Presentation of the online training


Understanding disability at work

Targeted audience

Suitable for all employees

Benefit from the latest advances in neuroscience with our gamification technology. 

Vous allez vivre des aventures dont vous êtes le héros. Chaque aventure vous placera devant des choix qui détermineront la suite de l’histoire. Découvrez le handicap de différents points de vue. Allez à la rencontre des autres et de leurs différences à travers des jeux. Le programme complet comporte 9 épisodes.

Content details


Some people are aware of this and others do not feel concerned. Stereotypes are part of our daily lives. Being aware of them is the first step to overcoming them.

Identifying a disability situation

Disability is often associated with the wheelchair logo. But is that all it is? In this module we will look at what disability really is.

The different categories of disability

There are many categories of disability, all very different from each other. Adapting to a person with a disability will have quite different connotations from one disability to another.

Visible disability

A person with a visible disability may be at risk of being sidelined. Find out how to facilitate their integration and prevent the person from getting isolated from the rest of the world.

Invisible disability

Find out what invisible disability implique chez les personnes qui le vivent et ce que cela induit chez leur interlocuteur. Quelques bonnes pratiques seront également abordées.

Dealing with your disability with your colleagues

When faced with a disability situation, it is not always easy to discuss the subject with colleagues, for fear of their reactions or out of embarrassment. Available as from November 1st 2022.

Adjust your behaviour

Chaque personne est différente et va avoir des attentes, des besoins différents. Comment adapter son comportement ?


Quelques clés sur la RQTH (Reconnaissance de la Qualité de Travailleur Handicapé), un statut administratif qui permet de justifier sa situation et de bénéficier de certains droits.

The contact persons

When you encounter a disability situation, it is not always easy to know who to contact and what to do. Find out who can help you and what their roles are.

