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Disability at work: why is it worth talking about?

Le handicap au travail

Disability at work: a condition that is still poorly known in the workplace

Companies regularly communicate on their actions and solutions in favor of disability at work, however this condition is still poorly known within the working world. 

This statement is all the more striking when you consider that 80% of disabilities are invisible and therefore difficult to identify (according to Les Échos-Novembre 2018). Moreover, according to Fondation Handicap Malakoff Humanis, 1 out of 2 people will be confronted with a disability situation during their life in a one-time or permanent manner.

Disability at work: definition

As a reminder, article L114 of the French Social Action Code defines disability as any limitation of activity or restriction of participation in society suffered in one's environment by a person due to a substantial, lasting or definitive alteration of one or more physical, sensory, mental, cognitive or psychological functions, a multiple disability or a disabling health disorder.

Who is considered a disabled worker? 

A disabled worker is considered to be "any person whose possibilities of obtaining or keeping a job are effectively reduced as a result of the alteration of one or more physical, sensory, mental or psychological functions".

To obtain the recognition of the quality of disabled worker (RQTH), it is necessary to apply to the Commission for the rights and autonomy of disabled people (CDAPH). The application can be made by the disabled person or his/her legal representative.

RQTH: what are the specific measures?

The recognition of the quality of disabled worker allows the person to benefit from certain measures such as: 

  • An orientation towards an establishment or service of help through work, towards the labor market or towards a center of professional rehabilitation by the CDAPH.
  • An obligation to work
  • Access to the civil service by competitive examination or by specific contractual recruitment
  • Assistance from AGEFIPH

Note: in case of dismissal, the notice period is doubled for workers recognized as disabled. 

Integration of disabled people in the workplace: a challenge that remains relevant even today

According to the mandatory declaration of employment of disabled workers (DOETH), each company with at least 20 employees must employ disabled people up to 6% of its workforce. Companies that do not meet this employment obligation must pay a financial contribution to the relevant social security organizations. But what is the situation today for disabled people in the workplace?

Key figures

To better understand disability at work and in particular the challenge of integrating disabled workers into the workplace, here are some key figures published in the study "employment and unemployment of disabled people" carried out by the Observatory of Employment and Disability and AGEFIPH in December 2021:

  • 8.4% of jobseekers are disabled (DEBOE: jobseekers benefiting from the employment obligation)
  • 60% of DEBOEs are long-term unemployed
  • 474,171 DEBOEs are registered with Pôle emploi

Raising awareness: improving the integration of disabilities in the workplace 

L’insertion des personnes handicapées dans le monde du travail demeure encore comme un enjeu actuel même si le nombre de demandeurs d’emploi en situation de handicap est à son plus bas niveau depuis 5 ans. Malgré de bonnes intentions de la part des employeurs, la méconnaissance des spécificités  de chaque handicap complique la démarche d’insertion. 

Employers must be able to have a certain knowledge of disability and of the aids available to them in order not to be discouraged after having made the effort to integrate a disabled person.

Work and play and e-learning training for disability awareness at work 

In collaboration with Yumaincap, Work and play has built an e-learning training to raise awareness about disability at work. Yumaincap helps companies with adapted solutions such as the one on disability policy.

Here is a short excerpt: 

You will live adventures in which you are the hero. Each adventure will place you in front of choices that will determine the continuation of the story. Discover disability from different points of view. Meet others and their differences through games. The complete program includes 10 episodes of 10 minutes. A new episode will be available each month.

This training on disability in the workplace is adapted to all employees and allows a better understanding of this issue sometimes forgotten by companies.

96% of learners are satisfied with the training. What are you waiting for?
